Copper Vs Brass Vs Titanium Knife Hardware


Jan 18, 2011
  • #1


The Artisan Cutlery Proponent is now existence offered in bronze, copper, and brass. What are the differences in hardness (snail trail resistance), rust resistance, and which ones form patinas? Thanks!

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T.L.E. Sharp

Jun 30, 2016
  • #ii

Assuming they're actually those materials and not only anodized those colors, they'll all patina and snail trail with really any carry at all.

That's sort if the point I think. They historic period with regular use and go unique. That comes at the expense of being rather heavy and comparatively soft.

None of them will rust. They've no iron in them.


Feb 10, 2015
  • #iii

The all age; and all get a different patina.

For some people their sweat reacts with copper and creates a metallic smell.

  • #four

Assuming they are the actual materials, copper is quite evil-smelling in my stance. Contumely, not and so much, and I like the colour better (both before and after patina). I don't know the attributes of bronze, curious to know.

  • #five

Assuming they are the actual materials, copper is quite smelly in my stance. Brass, not so much, and I like the color improve (both before and after patina). I don't know the attributes of statuary, curious to know.

I looked these up, they're the actual materials. The copper version weighs over a pound!

  • #6

I tin't comment on copper, simply I've owned both contumely and bronze watches. Both will class a like patina, but it'll likely grade on the brass a lilliputian quicker. Equally for hardness, it actually depends on what limerick the bronze that place are several types. Besides, bronze does take copper in information technology, so the redder the color, the more copper it has. This tin bear on how the patina looks. The patina develops a deep redish hue with bronze that has a lot of copper. My favorite bronze from the patina attribute is CuSn8.


Feb 10, 2015
  • #seven

Assuming they are the bodily materials, copper is quite smelly in my stance. Brass, not so much, and I like the color improve (both before and after patina). I don't know the attributes of statuary, curious to know.

It's not the copper that you can odour. Information technology'southward body odor; either yours or whoever handed you the item.


January 18, 2011
  • #8

It's not the copper that yous can aroma. It's body odor; either yours or whoever handed you the particular.

:eek: :D

  • #9

These are all interesting materials. All of them tin patina differently and that's part of the charm. I'm less familiar with statuary every bit an EDC cloth but copper and brass do tend to smell. It'south truthful that yous aren't actually smelling the metal. However, it isn't really "torso odour" either. The metals are causing chemic reactions to organic compounds including those adsorbed from your body. There is an interesting discussion of the chemical science here:


The main issue I have is getting that smell on my easily after handling my brass EDC items. Information technology is very noticeable if I touch my confront or consume something by hand. I suppose that'due south a good reminder to wash my hands. This could be doubly important with contumely as it oft contains a small amount of lead. Information technology is usually a small amount only no amount of atomic number 82 is good for you and exposure tends to be cumulative.


Apr 21, 2013
  • #10

Copper will patina the fastest, followed by bronze then brass. They're all going to exist heavy. If they get too nighttime, you can use a cleaner to restore the look or use a fine steel wool to give them an antique expect. At that place may fifty-fifty be a sealer that will protect the new look finish and odor issue. Non real sure how it would concord up to constant use.


Aug 20, 2014
  • #11

Contumely is copper and zinc
Statuary is copper and tin
Copper is only copper, if I was going to handle any cloth for a length of time it would exist copper .
And similar the others have already said they volition all take a patina for some sort.



Feb 18, 2000
  • #12

Ane thing I noticed nearly brass handles/scales is it increases weight of the knife a lot . I had the Reate Jack in brass, it was a boat anchor so I sold it. I had 1 in carbon cobweb,too and the difference in weight was huge.And that was just overlays.If the scales are all brass it tin can really be heavy. Something to retrieve about with some of these materials.

Jul 7, 2000
  • #13

Brass is copper and zinc
Bronze is copper and tin
Copper is just copper, if I was going to handle any material for a length of time information technology would be copper .
And like the others have already said they will all accept a patina for some sort.

Some bronzes use aluminum, phosphorus or silicon (or sometimes other alloying elements) instead of or forth with tin.

Bronze has the best overall corrosion resistance, which is why (forth with its forcefulness and machineability) it is widely used for propellers for ocean-going vessels, from small individual vessels to large container ships and shipping carriers.

Brasses usually accept a more than xanthous appearance, while nearly statuary alloys are slightly reddish (except for aluminum bronzes, which look more similar brass). Pure copper is redder than either brass or bronze. Copper is the softest, and generally brass is harder than copper and bronze alloys are harder than brass.

All 3 will patina to a nighttime color. A practiced example is the US Cent coin. Before 1962 they were bronze (with a few years, like 1943-1946 being steel and brass, and earlier the mid 1860s they were a dissimilar copper alloy, and the original cents from the late 1700s to 1857 being pure copper). From 1962-1982 they were brass. From mid-1982 on they accept been copper plated zinc. From a distance you can't tell the difference betwixt them once they have developed a deep patina.

Personally I am a large fan of tin and silicon bronzes.

  • #fourteen

Information technology'due south not the copper that you lot can aroma. Information technology'south body odor; either yours or whoever handed you the detail.

The bodily science says otherwise :rolleyes: ;):

In conclusion: ane) The typical "musty" metallic aroma of iron metal touching skin (epidermis) is caused by volatile carbonyl compounds (aldehydes, ketones) produced through the reaction of skin peroxides with ferrous ions (FeX2+) that are formed in the sweat-mediated corrosion of iron. FeX2+ containing metal surfaces, rust, drinking h2o, blood etc., but besides copper and brass, give rise to a similar odor on contact with the pare. The homo ability to discover this aroma is probably a result of the evolutionarily developed merely largely dormant ability to smell claret ("claret odour").



Jun 27, 2007
  • #fifteen

These materials volition scratch simply they also patina to make them wearable nicely similar leather. But they also polish from spots they rub to your pocket.

Brass has more golden color, copper has more than reddish tone to it. Statuary I think is deepest in color though I just know information technology from jewelry.

Really nice materials if you like rustic natural look, but I'd prefer them in more than old school knives.

For me I'm still rebelling against them since few years agone when people had to have them in every unmarried place.


Sep 3, 2008
  • #16

Oh baby. The brass i does weigh in at 14.88 ozs . Statuary = 15.52 ozs. Copper = 17.92 ozs. :D

Some of you smaller folks might detect yourself walking in circles with 18 ozs clipped to one side of your trunk. Kinda similar how a tank turns...

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February 10, 2015
  • #17

The actual science says otherwise :rolleyes: ;):

To smell the metal yous demand to vaporize (melt) it.

He who smelt it; dealt information technology.

Comparison of iron metallic with other metals (copper, brass, zinc, etc.): When solid copper metal or brass (copper-zinc alloy) was contacted with the skin instead of iron, a similar metal odor and GC-top pattern of carbonyl hydrocarbons was produced and up to one μmole/dm² of monovalent cuprous ion [CuX+" function="presentation">Cu+] was detected as a corrosion production (Supporting Figs. S3 to S6). Zinc, a metal that forms ZnX2+" part="presentation">Zn2+ just no stable ZnX+" role="presentation">Zn+, was hesitant to form metallic odor, except on very stiff rubbing of the metal versus pare (that could produce metastable monovalent ZnX+" role="presentation">Zn+). The use of common color-tests to demonstrate directly on human palm skin the presence of depression-valence ions (ferrous and cuprous) from the corrosion of iron, copper and brass alloys is shown in Supporting Figure S6. Alumina powder rubbed on skin did non produce significant odorants. These results provide additional testify that it is not metal evaporation, only skin lipid peroxide reduction and decomposition by low valence metal ions that produces the odorants.


Jan 18, 2011
  • #18

Oh infant. The brass one does weigh in at 14.88 ozs . Bronze = 15.52 ozs. Copper = 17.92 ozs. :D

Some of you smaller folks might find yourself walking in circles with 18 ozs clipped to one side of your trunk. Kinda like how a tank turns...

I take the Yard-10 version: 9.5 oz. I definitely know it is in my pocket.

I love the look of the brass, copper, etc, but I'm not too crazy about the "lead exposure" part.


Feb ten, 2015
  • #19

I accept the G-10 version: 9.5 oz. I definitely know it is in my pocket.

I love the expect of the brass, copper, etc, only I'yard non too crazy well-nigh the "lead exposure" office.

Is the "lead exposure" one of those California Prop 65 things? If so I don't call back you need to worry unless you plan to swallow a bunch of these for a circus human activity.

  • #20

Is the "atomic number 82 exposure" i of those California Prop 65 things? If so I don't think you need to worry unless you plan to consume a bunch of these for a circus act.

There are dissimilar types of brass but the stuff used in mutual keys can be up around 2.five% lead. Small amounts tin rub off upon surface contact. It isn't huge only remember, no corporeality of lead is healthy. This is why many contumely keys are now coated and we have advisories to not let small children play with them.

Exactly how dangerous this is volition depend on a lot of factors. For instance, how much lead is in your EDC brass? How often do you fondle your brass gear? How often do you affect your face or consume with your hands afterwards using that gear? How ofttimes do you wash your hands after using your gear? What else gets stored in those pockets? An important question is how much pb yous are picking up from other sources of exposure since it is cumulative.

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