Ideas for New Social Media

If you lot're struggling to come up with new and fresh social media content ideas, don't panic — at that place are a number of means you can refresh your posts.

In this blog postal service, nosotros're sharing 25 social media content ideas to help level up your strategy.

Permit's get started!

25 Social Media Content Ideas to Level Upward Your Strategy

If yous are feeling a creative cake or finding gaps in your social media content calendar, y'all've come to the right place.

Whether it'south your personal Instagram or a brand or business, here are 25 ideas y'all can incorporate in your social strategy.

Social Media Content Idea #1: User-Generated Content (UGC)

UGC is short for user-generated content and non only is it a keen way to make full your feed with community-made content, just information technology's a surefire style to concenter new followers, brand sales, and convert your existing audition into customers.

Think — your audience itself is a valuable resource when it comes to finding awesome content!

Recent findings prove that 90% of consumers trust UGC to assistance influence their purchasing decisions.

But don't merely post any UGC that you're tagged in. Nosotros recommend creating a branded hashtag for your company. Repost the all-time content from followers who utilise your hashtag!

Check out how brands like Airbnb, Hershel, and Well+Good utilize a branded hashtag to encourage their community to tag them in posts:

Need assistance integrating UGC into your strategy? Check out our seven Tips for Reposting Instagram Stories & User-Generated Content weblog post!

Did y'all know that After has a host of UGC tools available when you create an business relationship with usa? Our tool allows yous to find shareable content through hashtags, mentions, and even URLs – fast!

Yous can automatically give proper photograph credit each time you repost your fans, with options to repost to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

Social Media Content Idea #2: Share Company News

Has your brand been in the news lately? If so, why non share it?

Sharing notable press hits shows your audition that you're a reliable make or business concern. Plus, a piddling apprehensive brag never hurt anyone!

Accept The Honey Pot Co. for instance. The feminine intendance visitor'south founder was recently featured by Inc. Mag, and they were sure to share the good news with their followers.

Social Media Content Idea #three: Blog Posts

If your company has a blog, refer your audience by sharing direct links when yous tin can!

For Instagram, post an aesthetically pleasing (and on-brand) graphic that relates to the blog content. If you're sharing to your Instagram Stories and y'all have over 10K followers, you can utilise Instagram's swipe up link.

If you don't take over 10K — don't worry! There are many ways you can directly your followers to your weblog. Check out this web log mail for all our best tips and tricks.

If you're sharing to your Instagram feed, redirect users to press the link in your bio, using Later's characteristic! allows you lot to increase traffic and sales by linking private Instagram posts to specific blog posts, product pages, or videos — with just one click. The best office is: information technology'south gratis!

Social Media Content Thought #4: Instagram Reels

Instagram Reels are relatively new, but nosotros're obsessed!

Instagram Reels are a new fashion for Instagram users to record xv-2d video clips set to music, and might look and feel a piffling similar to TikTok:

Reels requite brands withal another way to create fun, engaging video content on Instagram.

Get all the scoop on this new Instagram feature with our Ultimate Guide to Instagram Reels.

Instagram Reels' popularity is growing by the second, and plenty of brands are already using it to assist build their audience (with some videos getting +5M views)!

Desire to jump into the details of Instagram Reels? Learn everything you demand to know to create your very first Instagram Reel in this handy step-by-footstep video:

Social Media Content Idea #5: Share Stock Photos

If you're looking to add together engaging visuals to your feed or find artistic images for your Instagram Stories, high-quality stock photography can be an constructive way for you to save time, endeavour, and money.

Y'all tin can apply stock photos or videos for posts where the text needs to do the talking — call up detailed captions, customer testimonials, promotional offers, or sharing a favorite quote.

With our Unsplash integration, we're making finding killer content and building a potent aesthetic using stock photos piece of cake.

Ready to start incorporating stock content into your feed? Learn all about how Afterward's new Unsplash integration works here.

Social Media Content Thought #6: Community Spotlights

Similar to UGC, sharing customs spotlights is a take chances to highlight members of your community.

Since your audience is engaged and interested in your content, — at present is a great chance to return the favor and bear witness them some love.

Accept WeWork for example. @wework oftentimes shares mini-interviews and quotes from inspirational members of their community.

Social Media Content Idea #7: Employee Spotlights

Why stop at community spotlights? Give your employees a gamble to polish.

Consumers love seeing the humans behind their favorite companies. Information technology gives them a chance to relate to the make on a more than personal level.

Media company Fullscreen is nifty at putting a spotlight on their employees; take a look!

Another smashing instance is rideshare company Uber. They practice an amazing chore of supporting their employees on social media. During this yr'due south pandemic, Uber has been spotlighting delivery drivers who are helping their communities.

Social Media Content Thought #8: Product Shots

Think about new ways to share product photos. You lot don't desire your photos to look like simple photos you lot'd observe on any generic online store.

Your photos should fit in seamlessly with your make aesthetic. Your product shots should alloy in with your other content, while yet standing out as your audition scrolls your feed.

Place different products together, photograph them against cool backdrops, create stop motility animations, and have fun!

TIP: You lot don't take to accept an insane budget to shoot great production photos — yous tin literally do it all at home. Check out our blog post on creating a home photography studio and shooting products at home.

Social Media Content Idea #9: Behind-The-Scenes Content

Your social media channels are the perfect place to post videos or photos that show off the inner workings of your visitor.

On occasion, give followers a sneak peek into your brand'southward daily processes.

It's always interesting to meet how products go packaged for shipping or how events are prepared.

Take a cue from Peak Blueprint:

Social Media Content Idea #10: Celebrate Holidays

From #NationalDanceDay to #InternationalCoffeeDay, there are plenty of holidays that are perfect for filling out your agenda when you're needing new content!

Fun holidays are bang-up for sharing relevant, timely content that relates to your brand, your production/service, and your industry.

The television testify 'Parks & Recreation', for case, often share relevant & fun content on important "social media" dates, similar National Waffle 24-hour interval.

In that location are a lot of fun holidays shared on social media all year long and now, we're making information technology easier for you to plan your Instagram content alee of time with our gratuitous social media holidays agenda for 2020!

Social Media Content Idea #eleven: Create Your Own Game or Challenge

Creating "games" on social media is an easy manner to stay on-trend and to upwards your engagement with followers.

Check out this "Choose your Coachella House" post from beauty brand alleyoop.

This post garnered xl comments, compared to their previous mail service (a regular photo postal service), which only garnered two comments.

On top of social media games, you lot can as well create your own social media challenge.

Challenges provide fun for fans, while also expanding your reach and impressions.

With Instagram Stories' new claiming sticker, challenges typically curlicue out on Instagram Stories, but since stories disappear later 24 hours, why not run an Instagram challenge on your feed likewise.

Larn more almost Instagram games and challenges in this web log mail.

Social Media Content Idea #12: Audiograms

This one is for all yous YouTubers and podcasters.

With podcasts being more than popular than ever, taking bite-sized sound snippets and turning them into beautiful audiograms for your social channels is a bang-up way to level upward your social media content strategy.

There are endless ways you can create these audiograms. Check out our blog post with five apps to help you get started.

We're big fans of the style that WeTransfer uses for their #InfluencerPodcast posts on Instagram.

Audiograms can work fifty-fifty if you're not a podcaster! If your make has videos on Youtube, you lot can take sound snippets from your YouTube videos and practice the verbal same matter!

Social Media Content Thought #13: Testimonials

Posting testimonials not only helps to build the trust of your product/service only they also encourage followers to share their ain stories, in hopes of also being highlighted!

This is a keen way to turn followers into lifelong brand ambassadors.

Dating app Bumble creates some nice fizz on their social media channels by posting Success Stories from couples who met on their app!

Social Media Content Idea #14: Industry Articles

No matter the industry you're in, information technology's always a neat idea to post relevant manufactures to go on your audience engaged and informed.

This may be more than relevant if y'all manage Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn channels since you tin can add links to captions on those platforms.

Social Media Content Idea #15: Influencer Content

Partner with influencers that mesh well with your brand. Influencers are content creators —  working with them helps generate content for both your channel and their own.

It's the perfect marriage and Athleta'south partnership with influencer @arielleestoria is a perfect example.

We recommend partnering with influencers who have college engagement over high follower counts. This ways their audition truly cares nigh the content they post, which bodes well for you in the long run!

Learn more than virtually working with influencers in our Ultimate Guide to Instagram Influencer Marketing .

Social Media Content Idea #16: Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories allow brands to post content that is more organic than what's posted in a brand'south Instagram feed. And with over 500 1000000 people watching Instagram Stories every day, yous want to get them involved and engaged with your business!

Social media users expect Instagram Stories to expect equally natural equally possible, merely it's even so smart to create templates to use in your Stories to help develop a branded await for your visitor.

Using Instagram Stories also gives you lot the opportunity to fix branded Story Highlights on your contour.

Branded highlights are located right under your bio, so you can permanently showcase your well-nigh important content there, every bit opposed to it being cached in your feed.

Social Media Content Thought #17: Inspirational Quotes

Everyone loves a proficient inspirational or motivational quote. No matter your industry, there are great quotes that align with your niche.

Get creative with how y'all create these graphics, and exist sure they fit in with the rest of your content!

Hither'due south a great case from Refinery 29. You lot can see how they create stylish social media graphics to highlight an inspirational quote:

Learn how to apply quotes to heave your engagement on Instagram here , and on Pinterest here !

Social Media Content Thought #18: User Feedback

Appoint with your audience and ask them for their opinions!

Open up-ended questions (questions that can't exist answered with a uncomplicated "yes" or "no") will not only allow for more date from your audience but will let you to better understand your audition.

You tin utilize Instagram Stories stickers like the Poll and Question stickers, to garner that valuable customer feedback!

Bumble utilizes its Instagram stories to ask questions of their followers. They so collect the answers and transform that data into content for their feeds. Smart, right?!

Social Media Content Idea #19: Become Alive

Whether it's a Facebook or Instagram Live, going live on your social media channels gives your audience a chance to engage and connect with y'all.

Engaging and connecting are both important for leveling up your social media game.

In an Instagram Live, yous can do a Q&A with your followers, announce a new production, conduct an interview with a superfan or influencer, and then much more.

In contempo weeks, MTV has been using Instagram Alive to do #AloneTogether jam sessions with top musical artists like Kyle and Tate McRae. A cool thing virtually Instagram Live is that y'all can save the Lives as IGTV videos and so they tin can live on forever.

Social Media Content Idea #xx: Twitter Chats

Hosting Twitter chats allow you to take in-depth conversations with your followers regarding any topic relevant to your industry. These chats are a bully way to increase your audition appointment numbers on the platform.

Tweets received during Twitter chats can then be turned into branded content pieces in the future.

to get instant responses to your queries.#WorkFromHome #remotework picture

Social Media Content Idea #21: Host A Virtual Issue

Hosting a virtual result may not accept been on your 2020 bingo card, but many brands are riding the virtual wave. Hosting webinars, concerts, and more than – all via social media.

Take Well+Adept'south 'TALKS at home' series for example. With this virtual series, they're partnering with a panel of experts to hash out how the home became our number-one wellness hotspot in 2020.

Speaking of virtual events, our very own LaterCon volition exist hosted virtually on Sept 23!

Set to abound your business relationship, proceeds a loyal following, and build your business organisation online? Watch the full LaterCon replay here.

Social Media Content Idea #22: Spotify Playlists

Everyone loves a skillful playlist! Developing a Spotify channel and making branded playlists allows your brand personality to smooth.

Is your company more Tom Trivial and Amy Winehouse like Starbucks, or is it more Dua Lipa and Disclosure similar H&M?

Remind your audition there are people behind their favorite brand's social media aqueduct.

Use your Instagram Stories to drive your audition to your Spotify playlists.

Beauty company Glossier has over 30 playlists and 20,000 followers on Spotify!

Social Media Content Idea #23: Repurposed Content

Use social analytics, like you'll find in our Instagram Insights feature, to identify your top-performing posts. From there, find ways to repurpose that content with updated copy or graphics.

You lot can repurpose YouTube videos for IGTV (and vice versa). And you tin can repurpose TikTok content for Instagram Reels. You tin can too get through your website's web log and turn your old content into new Instagram captions.

The possibilities are endless if you accept evergreen material!

Social Media Content Idea #24: Get Creative With Emojis & GIFS

Using emojis at the cease of a judgement is Level i inventiveness. Using emojis to develop meme-level copy structure in your captions, equally Cracker Barrel Cheeses does, is Level 100!

Speaking of GIFs, accept you e'er thought of creating your ain custom brand GIF stickers for Instagram Stories? This Afterward blog will go you started, and you lot'll be making branded stickers in no time!

Social Media Content Idea #25: Create a New Content Series

A smashing way to ensure y'all take new content to mail service on a periodic basis is to develop a new content series. This can come into life in many forms: web log articles, IGTV videos, podcasts, Instagram Lives, etc.

Have Mailchimp's #ByTheBooks for case. Mailchimp has developed a virtual literary festival where they apply various content formats to put a spotlight on astonishing authors on a continuous basis!

: @carmenmmachado

Another example is Target's new Existent Talk serial on Instagram, where they accept some of their Black-endemic brand founders practise Instagram takeovers to discuss hot topics!

And there you have it – 25 social media content ideas to help you level upwards your strategy! Put these ideas to work and let that creative block be a matter of the past!

Scale up your Instagram strategy today with Later ! Plan, schedule and automatically publish to Instagram for Gratis with Subsequently.

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