Social Media Related to School Shootings

Threats of Schoolhouse Shooting on Social Media Allegedly Made by Students to Go Out of Course

Schools in Utah's Tooele Canton School Commune faced multiple social media threats about a potential schoolhouse shooting on December 17, but police believe the threats were made past students in an attempt to go out of form.

On Wednesday, schoolhouse officials said that they were made aware of the various threats that they believe originated on TikTok and were so posted to Instagram and Twitter.

"The school district is taking each threat that has been reported seriously and is involving law enforcement to help investigate each situation," officials said in a statement. "We desire to remind all students and parents when you encounter a threat, report it, exercise not repost information technology. Reposting a threat serves no purpose other than adding to the fear and uncertainty of the situation."

School officials are asking anyone with any information to contact the police immediately. Officials besides stated that any students caught making potentially tearing threats on social media or causing a disturbance while at school will face potential charges.

The threats for December 17 are not limited to Utah schools, though. Information technology is believed that the threats are circulating social media effectually the nation, with schools in various states beyond the U.S. monitoring the threats and calling in the police to be on alarm.

On December 10, a high school principal in Cheltenham, Pennsylvania informed parents that police force were investigating a threat written on a bathroom stall saying at that place would be a schoolhouse shooting on December 17.

In Florida, schoolhouse administrators in the Citrus County Schoolhouse Commune warned parents near the national TikTok tendency that threatened gun violence on December 17.

"Nosotros've been made aware of a TikTok threat circulating social media nationally regarding gun violence at schools," the statement read. "Specifically, the viral threat focuses on a shooting at a school on Friday, Dec 17th. It seems this social media threat is being seen in schoolhouse districts across the land and state. At this fourth dimension, the origins of this threat are unknown."

Administrators said the threat is being monitored by the sheriff's office also as school guardians.

Gun shelf with American flag
Schools beyond the country are on high alert after a viral threat circulated social media claimed there would be gun violence at various schools on December 17. "It seems this social media threat is beingness seen in school districts across the state and state," Utah school officials said. JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images

In Virginia, a 17-yr-old was arrested on Wednesday after he posted a threatening message on social media. According to the York-Poquoson Sheriff'due south Office, the high school student posted a threat with a pic of a handgun to social media.

Since the tragedy at Oxford High School in Michigan that killed four students, at that place accept been more than 519 reports of schools endmost due to threats of violence. Schools from diverse states including Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Georgia, and Connecticut, paused in-person classes due to the various threats circulating around.

"Clearly, this shows that there are likewise many guns on our streets and it is far too like shooting fish in a barrel to get them," said Mia Senechal, the deputy organizing director at gun violence prevention group March For Our Lives. "These closures and this danger has a existent, tangible touch on young people's mental wellness and well-being. We're going to carry this on. We're the lockdown generation. It'due south utterly shameful that we've let this crisis get this bad."

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